Saturday, December 22, 2007

It's Almost Here

Here it is, just three days before Christmas and I am ready. We always do the gift exchange with Rocky's family on Christmas Eve so we lose a day there, and there were a couple of things I was going to make for gifts, but I've decided I don't really need to if I don't get around to it; so that means I'm ready. I even have everything wrapped; actually I mostly used gift bags so that was easy.

Fortunately my family gave up gift exchanges a long time ago so we have no worries there. It does seem that since my parents are both gone my family has kind of grown apart, and I do miss being with them on holidays. (We do exchange phone calls and keep in touch.) That's probably why I don't find much pleasure in the holidays anymore. Now I think the perfect holiday would be for me and Rocky to hide away on a warm sunny beach somewhere and overindulge in more relaxing ways. Well, a girl can dream.

Now I'll don my rain apparel, Fa la la, la la la, la la la. and feed the livestock with a carol, Fa la la, la la la, la la la. I can't figure out how to fit scooping poop into the song so I'd better quit.

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