Thursday, April 16, 2009

Anniversary Weekend

We finally got around to celebrating our anniversary by spending last weekend in Bandon.  The weather was decent, even sunny when we got there at about 6:00 Friday evening.  We stayed at the Bandon Inn, which we enjoyed.  The hotel is right above Old Town and overlooks the bay.  The hotel staff was very friendly and had chocolate chip cookies for us each evening.

A funny thing happened with our room.  The people in the room above us kept walking with heavy footsteps (sometimes running) the length of their room and back.  There didn't seem to be a rhythm to it and sometimes they would open or close their patio door.  This happened Friday until about 11:00, started again early Saturday morning, and continued through out the day (while we were there, any way).  We pondered over what they could be doing.  After ruling out exercise we settled on cooking drugs in the coffee pot.

Curiosity got the best of me so on our way to dinner I stopped in at the office and talked to the clerk about it.  Turns out that the church next door was having Easter services that weekend and the minister's sister and her husband came from out of town to help with it.  They were in the room above us.  We all got a good laugh about over active imaginations.

During the day Saturday we went to the West Coast Game Park.  It is a walk through park with big cats, camels, wallabies, and a variety of other animals.  The areas where you walk are crowded with goats, sheep, deer, and llamas all begging for the food you can buy to hand feed them.  Here are a few of the photos we took:

The black shape in the lower left corner of the above photo is a capybara.  It is a large rodent that looks kind of like a nutria.  I petted one; they have bristles like a pot belly pig and are about the same size.

Yes, that is an opossum.  I thought Rocky was going to come unglued when he saw me holding it.  We also had the opportunity to hold ferrets and blond skunks, but I passed on those.  I was very glad Rocky didn't have any fire arms with him.

This beautiful creature is a nine month old Siberian Lynx.  We were instructed to stay away from her front paws and head, but she seemed to enjoy being petted until she'd get bored and decide it was play time.  That's when she went back in her pen.

The game park was fun, but I felt sorry for the cats.  They were all in fenced enclosures and had full view of the deer, and baby goats running around.  We wondered if they let the goats and deer breed so they didn't have to buy food for the cats.

Other than the game park we didn't do much.  We tried to whale watch, but didn't see any.  We didn't even see any seals or sea lions in the bay.  Maybe next time.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Spring is Here!

Spring finally made it to Springfield this weekend.  It was so nice to be able to go outside without a heavy coat.  Do I dare pack the long johns away?

There were three humming birds in the quince.  This was the best photo out of about a dozen:

I washed a bunch of yarn that has been hanging around, now I need to measure and re-skein it.
Today's agenda has more fiber on it.  I still have a few fleeces left to skirt from last year's shearing and this year's shear day is the 30th of this month so I'd better get busy.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

15 Years

Today is our 15th wedding anniversary. It does not seem like 15. Sometimes it feels like our honeymoon was just a few months ago and other times it feels like there was never a time we weren't together.

Our marriage feels like a strong one. We've made it through some tough times and are closer for them. We've enjoyed a lot of good times together as well. At the end of the day it is most comforting to fall asleep holding the hand of the one you love.