Sunday, February 17, 2008

Life Sucks

My aunt Opal passed away a couple of weeks ago and her family made plans to have a family get together in her honor yesterday. My brother, Alan, decided to fly down from Alaska to attend the event. He flew into Portland on Thursday and our brother, Jim, drove up to get him and they spent the day doing some business in the Portland area. We had a dinner date with Chad and Aliya on Friday so Alan came to visit with us that afternoon and we made arrangements to meet and drive to the party together.

Saturday morning I was relaxing around the house, kind of looking forward to seeing my cousins and spending more time with Alan when he called. (He's staying at Jim's house in Cottage Grove while he's here.) He called to tell me that he couldn't make it to the party because he found Jim dead when he got up.

It didn't register at first. What was he saying? What did it mean?

I think Jim was in his mid fifties. He had been having some health problems being a newly diagnosed diabetic, but that was getting under control and he was feeling better.

Jim left Margo, four grown sons, a granddaughter, five brothers, two sisters, and his mother. We will miss him.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Another Rainy Day

It has poured rain nonstop today. Our pastures still have patches of snow and now there are little rivers running through them as well. It was kind of funny doing my chores this evening. I got an MP3 player for Christmas and I learned how to download podcasts from the Clark Howard Show into it, so I enjoy listening to that while in the barn. Well, during the podcast I listened to this evening Clark talked a lot about drout and ways to save water; it all seemed irrelevant considering all the water I was surrounded by at the time.

I did manage to get Rocky out of the house today; we went to the Eugene Boat & Sportsman Show and saw Pete Serafin’s Worldwide Expeditions Collection. It was pretty neat to see those mounts up close; Rocky was envious.

We watched one of my favorite movies the other night. If you haven't seen A Walk in the Clouds, it is a must see. I've seen it several times and enjoyed it just as much as the first time. I've added a movie to my list yet to see; The Bucket List. My friend Darlene told me about it. She said that she and her husband really enjoyed it and thought it was better than the ratings it received.

I think if the rain doesn't let up tomorrow I'll drive in to check out the new Wilco that opened on Friday. A person has to find excitement where ever she can.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Snail Mail

I received a letter from one of my brothers who lives in The Dalles the other day. Kelly is six years older than me and he is mentally retarded. His letters take a little deciphering, but I can always figure them out and I'm proud of him just for making the effort. This letter is a little exciting.

He wrote to let me know that he'll be coming to Springfield in March to play basketball in the Special Olympics. I've marked my calendar and I'm looking forward to both watching Kelly play ball and attending the Special Olympics for the first time. I think it will also be extra fun for Kelly to actually know somebody who will come and watch when he's playing in a city so far from home. He also wrote in his letter that he will be staying in a motel, they cover his meals, his coach is very nice, and he'll be wearing black sweat pants because they can't wear blue jeans to play basketball.