Monday, November 30, 2009

Giving Thanks

Carly wants to say, "Hello."This holiday weekend was pretty mundane. We just had dinner at Rocky's parents' house which is what we do every year. I had taken a turkey out of the freezer to thaw and cook and then on Wednesday Jack went out and bought us all a rotisserie turkey. Since I couldn't refreeze the turkey I took out I cooked it on Friday, boiled the bones on Saturday, and yesterday Rocky and I canned turkey vegetable soup.

The only excitement for the weekend came yesterday morning around 9:00; and this is where we're giving thanks. Rocky was still sleeping in and I was being lazy with the dog in front of the TV when I heard this loud noise outside. At first I thought the dog got her leash tangled in chairs on the patio, but then I realized the dog was in the house so I jumped up to see what it was. It was this:
See that huge oak tree lying on the ground? It landed on the goat shelter. Fortunately the goats were not in it. Also, Rocky mowed right along there Saturday afternoon. The worst thing that happed, other than the damage, is that the goats got out.

Here are some more Carly photos for your viewing pleasure:
We had to buy Carly some different food to remedy a gas problem
and it smells so good that Jill likes it too.
Jack is doing everything he can think of to make Carly love him.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Here is a photo of Carly trying to get Jill to play with her. I put this photo up to use as a size reference. So far, Carly has only had one big growth spurt since we got her home.Life with Carly is one big learning lesson. This weekend I took her out to the barn and pasture with me while scooping. She had a ball. She loves the alpacas and is very calm around them, even when Alexis tries to stomp her. For the most part everybody behaved themselves, but in the last pasture where two of our studs live Carly got chased. It didn't seem too serious and she was good about staying far enough away. I was really glad that she wasn't the one chasing and she didn't seem traumatized over it, just curious.

Even though she behaved appropriately around the animals it will be a while before Carly goes out to scoop with me again. I did not know this, but it turns out that alpaca poop is quite tasty. As hard as I tried I could not keep her from eating it. She had diarrhea the entire next day.

Jill and Carly are getting along quite well. Carly has come to learn that Jill is just to look at. Even though I haven't seen her get swat by Jill, she walks a wide path around her.

Here is a good photo of Jill's bad eye:
She still gets eye drops twice a day. I don't think it has gotten any worse and she doesn't seem to be in pain.

As for me, I'm halfway through my second term back in school now. I've taken two practical exams in Anatomy and Physiology with two written exams to follow; and in Medical Terminolgy I've taken an oral exam and one computer exam, and I only have the final left which is another computer exam. It has been a lot of hard work and a lot of hours studying, but earning good grades is so rewarding.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Fright Night at Autzen

Wow! If you missed the Duck game last night you really missed out. It was louder than ever and the game was better than ever. Watching the Ducks cream the Trojans was unforgettable. Except for the USC section the crowd was in black and yellow for Halloween, and many people came in costume. During tailgating before the game little kids went trick-or-treating tail gate party to tail gate party. Part of the marching band plays along Pre trail before each game, but last night instead of playing they had a boom box, were all dressed like zombies and performed to Michael Jackson's Thriller. The entire evening was quite an experience. If you'd like to read more about and see some photos here is a link to our local news paper, The Register Guard.

Carly was there. She was so scared of everybody before the game, but so curious at the same time. During the game we put her in her crate and locked her in the car. After the game she was more relaxed and let a few people pet her. I weighed her today and she has gained five pounds since we got her. Here are a couple more photos of her:

She loves watching the goats and alpacas:

Watching animals again:
Sleeping on her back: