Saturday, July 4, 2009


Here is a doe that came to munch on our quince. We watched her for the longest time because she has what looks like a dislocated knee on her left, front leg. When she walks she doesn't bend that joint at all. You can see it in the second photo.The photos are taken from our kitchen and back door windows last weekend. Rocky wanted to try to jump on her so I could wrap her knee, but I think it needs a lot more than a wrap.

Rocky kept wondering what happened to her baby(s), but you can kind of tell in the first photo that her udder is swollen.

Later that evening we saw her on the side of our hill nursing two fawns.

Here is the rest of my Wildlife post:

I finished the hedgehog. Isn't he cute?
A quick note about school and then I have to get back to studying. I told you that the first day in Biology was rough; well that has leveled out and on Wednesday Chemistry was a train wreck. I was feeling pretty good about the teacher until then. I think he got behind schedule and decided to catch up all in one day because our first exam is Monday morning and there is a list of things it goes over. I was supposed to work on Thursday, but instead went to the Science Resource Center at LCC instead. I spent the entire day there getting help from Star, the tutor who works there. Thank goodness for her. She did a great job explaining things in detail that the teacher just touched on. Hopefully he'll stay on track for the rest of the term.

Now I'd better hit the books some more. I also have a quick in Biology on Monday over mitosis, and on Wednesday I have an exam in Biology.

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