Saturday, March 1, 2008

A Party for Jim

Here are the photos I took at Jim's Celebration of Life:

These are two of my brother, Ed's sons: Brian and Ron. Jessie had already left the party. These are my niece and nephews. I think the girl in the white coat is the daughter of Bud or Jackie, but I'm not sure. I'll update this post when I find out. The two boys on the ends are Brandon and Dustin (two of Jim's sons), but I don't know which is which. The middle three are Alan's kids Vernon, Jenny, and Toby.

These are three of Alan's kids Vernon, Jenny, and Toby. Christopher couldn't get away from work to come down from Alaska.
I'm disappointed in this photo, I was hoping it would be good enough to blow up and hang on the wall. These are me and my brothers. Well, the guy on the far left is Alan, Ed, and Jim's brother, Bud (their sister, Jackie, had already left) and the rest are Gordon, Alan, me, Ed, and Dave. Alan just goosed me and tried to blame it on Ed.
This is Ed and his oldest son, Ron:
This is Gordon's son Travis and his family Christina and one month old Curtis:
This is Alan, Ed, and Jim's mom Laura and her husband Ned:
Here is Jenny and Brian:
Alan and Toby:
Ed and Alan. Ed just came from a month in Hawaii.
Gordon with his grandson, Curtis:
Me and Laura:
Laura with my cousins Sue Gimby and Karla Bradly:
It was really nice to see so much of my family, but sad that it took the loss of one to get us all together. Don't ever miss an opportunity to be with loved ones.

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