Tuesday, May 19, 2009


I've started a couple of new projects.  The weaving project is more dish towels.  These will be in the cat track and snail trail pattern (I couldn't find a link to show you the pattern so you'll just have to wait until I start the weaving).  These photos are of the warp that is ready to be beamed; that is wound onto the back beam.  The colors are mauve, navy, and cream.

This photo shows the raddle on top of the loom.  The pegs are spaced 1" apart so you can spread you warp out to the width your project will be woven at.  This way it will get wound onto the beam a the proper width and your warp threads on the outer edges won't have added stress on them from being pulled in or out.

I forgot to take a photo of the warp as it was being measured; I'll try to remember on the next project.

This is my new knitting project:
It is a Huggable Hedgehog.  Actually the knitting is all done.  I need to throw it in the wash to shrink and felt it, and then it will get a face and stuffing.

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