Wednesday at the airport went pretty smooth once we found a parking spot, but things got a little crazy in Honolulu where we had to change flights. Hawaiian Air ended up cancelling two of their flights and combined them with a third. They got most of us on a 747 for the 20 minute flight to Maui. It was a bit chaotic but I think everybody eventually made it there.
Thursday we got up early since we were still on Pacific time and went for a walk on the sidewalk that runs along the beach in front of the hotels for about two miles. We rode the shuttle to the Cannery Mall where there is a Long's Drug Store because Rocky wanted to wear crew socks with shorts, but I wouldn't let him. Fortunately they had ankles socks.
Friday we went Ziplining. It was fun. The fun began with the van ride to the first line. They got us all geared up and we had to wear our helmets in the van. We all decided that that was the only place we really needed them.
This is a bush outside our hotel room:
Saturday I decided that the sore throat from the day before wasn't just the Vog, I was sick. Rocky did a little snorkeling while I lazed around the resort.
Here is a sunset from our balcony:
Sunday Rocky snorkeled some more, while I made a quick trip to town. I didn't feel like shopping, but I couldn't stand the thought of napping our last day in Maui away. We flew out at 8:00 that evening and arrived in Portland at 7:30 the next morning. We got home at about 11:00 am and went straight to bed.
Tuesday we worked in the barn between naps to prepare for shearing on Wednesday morning. Now it is Sunday, I'm almost caught up with laundry; I'm still sick, but I feel like I'm on the mend; Rocky's sick now; and I'm going to see Mamma Mia with Sandy and Aliya tonight.