Sunday, October 5, 2008
Way Behind
I did take a quick trip up to Oregon Flock and Fiber Festival last Saturday. It was crowded, but fun. My friends Linda, John and Darlene rode up with me and we stopped for lunch on the way. My sister, Dotty, came to the event and we had a nice, but short visit. I didn't buy much, but I spent a lot of money on Woollee Winders.
I pulled a fast one on Rocky the other day. My friend, Linda, just happens to be the wife of Ron Finley, the former head wrestling coach for the Ducks. Every time I mention Linda, Rocky has to tell me about what a good coach Ron was and how much respect he has for him. So Linda and I decided to go out for dinner one evening, but I couldn't tell Rocky about these plans because he would chicken out and come up with all kinds of reasons not to go. So Linda and I made a date for last Tuesday, 6:30 at PF Chang's.
The whole day I have my fingers crossed that I can get him there. He was stressing out about hunting preparations and we usually don't go out that early. I told he we had dinner reservations which caused a few swear words to fly. He had to wear a wrinkled shirt because it was already after six when he got dressed and asked if he looked alright. Somehow we made it out the door and got there right on time.
As we walked in there wasn't a hostess at the desk, but I saw Linda wave at us and start walking back to their table. Rocky just stands there and looks at me like I've turned purple. I told him to follow me, that I see somebody I know. He slowly starts to follow, but the further into the restaurant I get the more distance he put between us. Linda told me the next day that she thought he was going to bolt. He finally made it to the table and I introduced him to Ron and Linda; he did perk up a bit with, "Oh." He said hello, nice to meet you, and all that; but then I turned purple again when he saw me sliding into the booth. I said, "Look, they have menus for us and everything." Suddenly the lights came on and he said, "You guys planned this?" It was fun.
We had a nice dinner (PF Changs is pretty good) while Ron and Rocky talked about wrestling, hunting, and fishing. Even though he wouldn't admit it I could tell that Rocky was really enjoying himself. I tried to make him admit it in the car on the way home and all he would say is, "You know I don't like to be tricked." Bah, humbug, Rocky.
That's the extent of my excitement for the past month.
Monday, September 1, 2008
So Much To Do
Now I've been home for a little over a week and don't feel like I've made any progress catching up. This three day weekend was full of activities. Saturday we went to the first Duck game of the year. We rode over in my in-laws' motor home. On the way we had to wait and watch a fight in the middle of an intersection. This big guy (about 6'4", 220#, about 40 yrs old) got mad when other cars wouldn't let him in the lane going to the parking so he pulls a cane with a metal head on it out of his car walks over where the the men start getting out of their cars because they know the guy is going to beat on their cars, and the guy starts swinging the cane as hard as he can at these guys' heads. Other men in nearby cars get out to help. One on them finally gets the cane away from him and he's still fighting as they try to take him to the ground and one the men whacked him in the head with the cane. They finally got him on the ground and he still tries kicking them in their crotches. Five or six men held him down while waiting for the police. An older couple were in his car that was blocking our lane of traffic and they finally moved the car out of the way. When we drove by we could see the pool of blood getting larger and larger under the guy's face. It was unbelievable, especially when you know that this happened around 3:00/3:15 and the game didn't start until 7:00; plenty of time to make the game.
Today ends this three day weekend with tomato canning. 40 pounds of tomatoes turned into 21 quarts today. Maybe I can rest next weekend.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Chicken of the Sea

17 half pints and 74 pints, plus four pints that didn't seal. Now, where to store it all.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Short on Time
There's never a dull moment in the Whitaker neighborhood where I work. there is a Dari Mart across the street from the shop and last Thursday if you were to drive by in the late morning you would have noticed crime scene tape and two policemen guarding a dead guy. Apparently he went in the Dari Mart that morning and not too long afterwards somebody noticed him face down dead between the newspaper recycle boxes and the phone booth. We think he was homeless man, but I haven't heard anymore on that or what killed him. We're guessing heart attack, stroke, or OD (we see a lot of drug deals and use behind the store). Whatever the cause, I'm just sorry that he had to die alone.
Nothing much to report from out little animal kingdom.
Work is getting smoother every day; I even had time to scrub the bathroom today. My first time to ever clean a urinal; thank you Playtex for rubber gloves.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Helpful Stuff
It happens to be a website for those of us who feel overwhelmed when it comes to housework and hope every day that we don't get surprise visitors we should invite in. I'm trying it out; I know it can't hurt. I just thought I'd share it with you.
The other helpful tip I haven't tried, but it's easy and cheap enough. I received an email of this lady's testimonial about putting a penny on a bee sting for 15 minutes right after the sting. Apparently her doctor told her about this when she had a reaction to a sting. The next time she didn't swell up and get infected like before. Too bad I didn't know about this last night when Rocky got stung.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Hot Weekend
This weekend started out with shearing our goats; they are so much happier. The rest of it has been spent trying to do stuff inside out of the heat. I never heard what the high was yesterday, but I know it was mid to high 90's. Last night was kind of fun. I opened the windows in the bedroom and could really hear the thunder storm pass over. After every clap of thunder the wild turkeys would gobble. Then at about three a.m. I had to get up and close the windows thanks to a skunk.
Looking into the near future I am excited about an upcoming workshop I've signed up for. Judith McKenzie is teaching a four day spinning and dying workshop in Mount Hood this August and my friend Patty of Sporfarm (she raises shetland sheep) offered to let me stay with her since she's signed up for it as well. I can't wait. I've never taken a formal spinning class and I hear that Judith's workshops are the best.
Now to get through another grueling work week; fortunately this one has a holiday in it.
Happy Fourth of July!
Friday, June 13, 2008
Catching Up
I am way behind with the blog. I'm blaming Eugene Electric for that. Our bookkeeper quit right after our Hawaii trip and since business has been so slow we've decided not to replace her for now. I've been training our parts runner (who kind of reminds me of Mr. Cunningham from Happy Days) to work in the office. Jack told him he had to start wearing skirts.
I took a rug weaving class with Jason Collingwood at Fiber in the Forest and learned how to do this:
Fiber in the Forest is so much fun. It is heald at Camp Myrtlewood in Myrtle Point, OR. The camp is beautiful, and people are nice, and the workshops are a blast. This is what the shibori/indigo class did:
And the carding class:
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Wednesday at the airport went pretty smooth once we found a parking spot, but things got a little crazy in Honolulu where we had to change flights. Hawaiian Air ended up cancelling two of their flights and combined them with a third. They got most of us on a 747 for the 20 minute flight to Maui. It was a bit chaotic but I think everybody eventually made it there.
Thursday we got up early since we were still on Pacific time and went for a walk on the sidewalk that runs along the beach in front of the hotels for about two miles. We rode the shuttle to the Cannery Mall where there is a Long's Drug Store because Rocky wanted to wear crew socks with shorts, but I wouldn't let him. Fortunately they had ankles socks.
Friday we went Ziplining. It was fun. The fun began with the van ride to the first line. They got us all geared up and we had to wear our helmets in the van. We all decided that that was the only place we really needed them.
This is a bush outside our hotel room:
Saturday I decided that the sore throat from the day before wasn't just the Vog, I was sick. Rocky did a little snorkeling while I lazed around the resort.
Here is a sunset from our balcony:
Sunday Rocky snorkeled some more, while I made a quick trip to town. I didn't feel like shopping, but I couldn't stand the thought of napping our last day in Maui away. We flew out at 8:00 that evening and arrived in Portland at 7:30 the next morning. We got home at about 11:00 am and went straight to bed.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Sunny Day

This is Blue. He takes relaxing seriously.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
This and That
Now here we are at the end of March and we've been getting snow. Thursday and Saturday we had snow on the ground when we woke up in the morning. It all melted before noon, but then we had rain, rain mixed with snow, and hail. This is not normal for us this late in the year.
Here is a recipe that I often take to potlucks and get lots of compliments on. I got it off a package of asparagus from the grocery store.
Marinated Asparagus
12 fresh asparagus spears
2 T olive oil
2 T cider vinegar
1/4 t salt
1 t honey
1 bay leaf
Steam asparagus until crisp tender, drain. Whisk together oil, vinegar, salt, and honey. Pour over asparagus and bay leaf in a shallow dish. Cover and refrigerate several hours or overnight.
I usually make a large batch and use less oil than vinegar. I add cooked shrimp, zucchini, carrots, mushrooms, onion, baby corn, or anything else that seems like would be good in it.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Cool Stuff
The presentation was given by Jennifer Moore who is a weaver and rug designer in Santa Fe, NM. She is a wonderful teacher; if you ever have the chance to take a class she's teaching it is worth every penny. (My favorite of hers is We All Look Up at the Same Moon.)
Her presentation to the guild was about math and art and how they often come together. She talked about the Golden Ratio (which included the Golden Rectangle and Golden Spiral) and Tessellations. You can get all kinds of ideas for projects with this knowledge.
We watched a good movie that was on Hallmark the other day: Iron Will. Rocky made fun of me when I turned it on, but he enjoyed it as much as I did.
I just had to share this cloud picture I took the other day:
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Special Weekend
There was a guy there whom I wish I would have taken his picture. He was a small, white, young man with a Mohawk hair cut and he had 20-30 Special Olympic medals hanging around his neck. I dubbed him Mr. T of the Special Olympics.
Basketball in the Special Olympics is a bit different. They play four six minute quarters with a five minute half time. Nobody gets called for traveling or double dribble. Fouls don't get called very often unless one team is about to skunk the other, then the refs try to help even the odds a little. The refs often have to redirect players if they head for the wrong basket.
There are bumps and scrapes just like any other basketball game, but these players don't get mad, they always help each other up, make sure they're okay, and smile the whole time. They really know how to have a good time, win or lose.
Kelly's team was good enough to win the gold medal. They won all three of the games they played in.
I don't know if you can tell from this photo but the teams are really mixed with young, old, men, and women. All teams were like that. I saw a couple of teams that had what looked to be twelve year olds playing right along with the fifty year olds. It was neat to see them all have such a good time together.
The team didn't know it, but I had invited them to ride the bumper cars before heading home. Since it was a surprise I said goodbye to Kelly after his last game on Sunday, but arranged for the bus driver to follow me. The guy (Artie) sitting in the other front seat asked Bob (the bus driver) where he was going; he knew it wasn't the same way they went to the freeway the day before. Bob said, "I saw a pretty girl in this car so I'm going to follow her." Every time I turned, Bob turned. After a couple of turns Artie yelled to the back of the bus, "Hey everybody, Bob's chasing some woman."
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Billy the Kid
Next time I have to go in the goat pen I'll be packing a big stick.
A Party for Jim
These are two of my brother, Ed's sons: Brian and Ron. Jessie had already left the party.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Life Sucks
Saturday morning I was relaxing around the house, kind of looking forward to seeing my cousins and spending more time with Alan when he called. (He's staying at Jim's house in Cottage Grove while he's here.) He called to tell me that he couldn't make it to the party because he found Jim dead when he got up.
It didn't register at first. What was he saying? What did it mean?
I think Jim was in his mid fifties. He had been having some health problems being a newly diagnosed diabetic, but that was getting under control and he was feeling better.
Jim left Margo, four grown sons, a granddaughter, five brothers, two sisters, and his mother. We will miss him.
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Another Rainy Day
I did manage to get Rocky out of the house today; we went to the Eugene Boat & Sportsman Show and saw Pete Serafin’s Worldwide Expeditions Collection. It was pretty neat to see those mounts up close; Rocky was envious.
We watched one of my favorite movies the other night. If you haven't seen A Walk in the Clouds, it is a must see. I've seen it several times and enjoyed it just as much as the first time. I've added a movie to my list yet to see; The Bucket List. My friend Darlene told me about it. She said that she and her husband really enjoyed it and thought it was better than the ratings it received.
I think if the rain doesn't let up tomorrow I'll drive in to check out the new Wilco that opened on Friday. A person has to find excitement where ever she can.
Friday, February 1, 2008
Snail Mail
He wrote to let me know that he'll be coming to Springfield in March to play basketball in the Special Olympics. I've marked my calendar and I'm looking forward to both watching Kelly play ball and attending the Special Olympics for the first time. I think it will also be extra fun for Kelly to actually know somebody who will come and watch when he's playing in a city so far from home. He also wrote in his letter that he will be staying in a motel, they cover his meals, his coach is very nice, and he'll be wearing black sweat pants because they can't wear blue jeans to play basketball.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Snow Day
Our animals aren't sure about the snow. We've never had this much snow since we started raising them. Some had never seen it before and others have never seen more than what can melt off in a day. They've been spending a lot of time in the barn and are quite tentative when they do venture out into the snow.
We received an early morning phone call yesterday from my cousin; Aunt Opal passed away in her sleep Saturday night. She was in her 80's and has been going down hill for a few years. She was the last of my dad's siblings and their spouses to pass.
On a brighter note, the pellet stove is finally working well. Last Wednesday the spinning guild was here and I had it going; by the time they left the house was starting to smoke up again. That evening Rocky removed the door, tightened the hinges and latch, put an extension on the intake pipe and ran it up the chimney, and then sealed off the open spaces of the chimney with insulation. Now the stove is working almost perfectly. It is so nice to wake up to a comfortable rather than down right cold bedroom.
Monday, January 14, 2008
Busy New Year
On the 9th we went to Riverdance. It was an exciting production. I enjoyed it, Rocky didn't think it was worth the money. I kind of feel that way about fishing. A few years ago I got to see Lord of the Dance with my sister in Portland; I will admit I enjoyed it even more. It could be that I was just in awe since it was the first time I had ever been to a production like that, but in my mind it was a little bit more exciting than Riverdance. I do believe both were worth the time and money to see.
Yesterday was another busy day for us; I can't believe what we did. We bought this:
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Happy 2008!

December: We celebrated the holidays once with my biological family and again with the Dean's. The month ended with a clogged plumbing system, malfunctioning water heater, and a new leak in the roof. It's a good thing we didn't have any New Year's party plans. We are ready to start a new month and a new year.